Thursday, March 10, 2011

Good Day

Good day
A simple gratitude in which you said to the person you meet when the sun is high in the sky
Good day
A simple yet meaningfull word of appreciation
Addresed to someone we wish to respect
Good day
It is considered to be a precious word more than any other words for those who were given these gratitude

Good Day

Good day
A simple gratitude in which you said to the person you meet when the sun is high in the sky
Good day
A simple yet meaningfull word of appreciation
Addresed to someone we wish to respect
and to some people are more precious than any other words

Day One

Day one
First day
The beggining
The last day of the previous one

Monday, January 31, 2011

Last day

Last day is it a day to remember or is it a day we should forget
What is the reason if we should remember it
What's the reason we shouldn't
Whatever the reason
The decision remain ours

Monday, March 8, 2010


Sometime people get sad
Sometime they’re covered by loneliness
Happier in sadness and lost by a word
Just as we started our role
Sadness will pass
As days come and end
Just because we are standing still
Will Loneliness be cast away?
By the day who’d come next
Cause we are now human
Should stand as human
Where we will not end until its end
Cause we are here
To stand up
When we fall and fail
----Mamonto, Andrew


People around us
Tells a story about the world
Each has a corner to defend
Many leaves their side undefended
Everyone stand their ground
Everyone join a fight without an end
Some doesn’t want to stop
Some willing to put an end
To all
To every fight occurred
To the debate of faith
In the end
Even disturbance crawling within it
And misunderstanding lurking from behind
There is still no sign of an end
Endless as it seems to be

Saturday, February 20, 2010

As what I am

Night pass by
As I tried to remember what went wrong with my life
When did it shift
As What I am now is nothing
Far in comparison to my past
As I am before Worth more than the present
Is it a challenge
To turn me into what I can't be
Is it failure
To drag me down till the bottom of the pit reach up
Which one it it?
Would be a wonderful felling
Among the loneliness to step forward

As what I've become
I stand up
Blind as it seems
Could be time which shift me so quickly
Cause worthy as I may
Trigger by many consequences to but deliver the night remedy
As I am now.......
Not worthy of anything
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