Monday, March 8, 2010


Sometime people get sad
Sometime they’re covered by loneliness
Happier in sadness and lost by a word
Just as we started our role
Sadness will pass
As days come and end
Just because we are standing still
Will Loneliness be cast away?
By the day who’d come next
Cause we are now human
Should stand as human
Where we will not end until its end
Cause we are here
To stand up
When we fall and fail
----Mamonto, Andrew


People around us
Tells a story about the world
Each has a corner to defend
Many leaves their side undefended
Everyone stand their ground
Everyone join a fight without an end
Some doesn’t want to stop
Some willing to put an end
To all
To every fight occurred
To the debate of faith
In the end
Even disturbance crawling within it
And misunderstanding lurking from behind
There is still no sign of an end
Endless as it seems to be

Saturday, February 20, 2010

As what I am

Night pass by
As I tried to remember what went wrong with my life
When did it shift
As What I am now is nothing
Far in comparison to my past
As I am before Worth more than the present
Is it a challenge
To turn me into what I can't be
Is it failure
To drag me down till the bottom of the pit reach up
Which one it it?
Would be a wonderful felling
Among the loneliness to step forward

As what I've become
I stand up
Blind as it seems
Could be time which shift me so quickly
Cause worthy as I may
Trigger by many consequences to but deliver the night remedy
As I am now.......
Not worthy of anything


Sometime people get sad
Sometime the're covered by loneliness
Happier in sadness
and lost by a word
Sometime as we started our role
Sometime as we are standing still

Would loneliness be cast away
By the day who'd come next

But even then
Days do come and end
Where we could stand as human
Where we could not end until it's end
Where we could stand up when we fall
Where hope does sliding through tomorrow
For us to keep
Cause we are human

Different and Alike__--

Strong and weak two side of the world
standing still against each other
yet they still fight against each other
None would know how long it would be
until one has fall

Might strong be the winner
by rule shall weak be on top
Different as a word
yet alike in the world
Alike but different

As we're tortured by the weak
Yet we're encourage to be strong
we stay as the same
try to be different from the other
We stand as one
But we walk as many

Soon each learn how to understand
ended as one and many
Different and Alike

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dream of Life

Leaving past through century meeting friends, enemy and family
Even just in my mind it felt so real
I want to stay but I can't
Soon I came soon I'll go
Why the past felt so good and the future felt so bad
Why I came if I have to go back

I see the present as I am not there
I've seen the future and I'm afraid to be there
But past..................
Seems so beautiful
I can't imagine I ever live in a place like that
A place of joy and happiness
Where my enemy can be my friend and my friend will not be my enemy
A place...................
I used to know although I can't remember it

I've seen that place in my dreams over and over
I saw my self in that place as a child
but I can't remember it
Is this a place of dreams or this is my past that I miss
This place shows everything
Past, present and future
But why can't I Choose
Where should I be
Where should I live
If my past is my dream and my future is a nightmare
And living in the present doesn't make me happy

I've memories of the future but none of my past
I know about my future
I know what will happen to me
But my past ...........
I hope this day would last forever
the day when I visit this place
But hope is just hope
Some are getting through and some are not
Some will be trouble
Some stays as hope


But after all of that
My past is just my past
I'm not belong in there
I've to be here in the real world
even it felt so bad as nightmare
even if I'm alone with my enemy as my companion
I'm belong here in reality
not in the past or in the future that I saw

I can't bring the past here but I can change the future
to be as I want it to be
to know where i live and
to bring love to my friends and enemy
so my future will not be the same as I saw
Will not be a nightmare
But as dreams of happiness.
--Mamonto, Andrew

The Last One

Day and night
we wait
just to find you
Everyday we struggle
just to be the one who can pass you
although we don't know you
took each of us away
so night comes
each of us go stronger and stronger
competed us
lasted the chosen one
one we failed we can't continue it
Everything has the beginning
added by the time
and also the end
while time will not wait us.

Passing by the night garden

The night garden never to imagine that it lies near to my home. Seems like fairy tale that a dream can be a reality just by dreaming it. The garden was filled by flowers from all of the continent from red to green and yellow to bright white. For me to have such imagination to ever come here never would have thought that everything can be done with such a little effort.

To have my dream right next to my window. To have millions of hope to where we see everything. Would it be every night for me to look outside for any sight of hope or is it to wait till the time I actually be inside my hope, my dream and ambition. None would ever guess that a mind of a kid for its complexity. None would ever think of what would come next when the mystery occurs within our mind. Population of memory inside our mind always mingle with fact that nothing comes right after we were born. travel our memory to the part where we made our dream from the remnants of our failure to see the start of our final.

Easy 10 days of what we remember or is it hardship for the rest of our life as we see our goal flashing in front of our eyes. What we bought in the past suppose to be the energy of our upcoming future. Never we as a dreamer to disregard our dream just to make sure everything goes the right way. Nor even to cost our time righting the wrong or the other way around.

Many days might have pass
Many nights are over
But if we never loose sight of the night garden right outside our window
Should we ever loose any more of we've begun
Should we ever forget what lies ahead
Should we just remember to look outside through the window

My Dream

I want to be a rich man can go to any place I want to
I want to be want I want to be
I want to have what I want to have
I want my dreams to come true
Dreams where my wish come true
Dreams about what I want
Dreams where I can do anything
Dreams where everything is possible
Come over at night and make you happy
But a dream is not always like that
Sometimes come a bad dreams and
Didn't want that to be true
When I sleep I hope a good thing I will be dreaming
But I can't decide what dream that will come to me
Even if it is bad or good.

Different and Alike

Strong and weak two side of the world
standing with each other
yet still fighting against each other
No one knows how long it would be
until one has fall

Might strong be the winner
by rule shall weak be on top
Different as a word
yet alike in the world
Alike but different

we're tortured as we weak
we're encourage to be strong
we stay as the same
try to be different from the other
We stand as one
But we walk as many

Each learn how to understand
ended as one and many
Different and Alike

Walking in the middle of the night

Walking in the middle of the night
Whisper with the wind and talk to the star
Shall I do that? or shall I'm not?
Winds give me words and stars give me knowledge
but which of those give me happiness?
Shall I Question again?
I guess I have to figure out myself

Walking in the middle of the night
The moon stand on my sight
Give me strength to spend the night
But it doesn't give me happiness
and I guess I have to search for other things

Walking in the middle of the night
Searching for good still found nothing
Doesn't give me anything
I guess nothingness is not what I'm looking for

Walking in the middle of the night
A spot of light in the middle of the forest
Closer I look I found firefly
A creature who create light for others
I guess I have found my answer
Happiness, Create it don't wait for it

Well the night is almost over
I think I'm done for now
I'll walk again tomorrow night.
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