Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dream of Life

Leaving past through century meeting friends, enemy and family
Even just in my mind it felt so real
I want to stay but I can't
Soon I came soon I'll go
Why the past felt so good and the future felt so bad
Why I came if I have to go back

I see the present as I am not there
I've seen the future and I'm afraid to be there
But past..................
Seems so beautiful
I can't imagine I ever live in a place like that
A place of joy and happiness
Where my enemy can be my friend and my friend will not be my enemy
A place...................
I used to know although I can't remember it

I've seen that place in my dreams over and over
I saw my self in that place as a child
but I can't remember it
Is this a place of dreams or this is my past that I miss
This place shows everything
Past, present and future
But why can't I Choose
Where should I be
Where should I live
If my past is my dream and my future is a nightmare
And living in the present doesn't make me happy

I've memories of the future but none of my past
I know about my future
I know what will happen to me
But my past ...........
I hope this day would last forever
the day when I visit this place
But hope is just hope
Some are getting through and some are not
Some will be trouble
Some stays as hope


But after all of that
My past is just my past
I'm not belong in there
I've to be here in the real world
even it felt so bad as nightmare
even if I'm alone with my enemy as my companion
I'm belong here in reality
not in the past or in the future that I saw

I can't bring the past here but I can change the future
to be as I want it to be
to know where i live and
to bring love to my friends and enemy
so my future will not be the same as I saw
Will not be a nightmare
But as dreams of happiness.
--Mamonto, Andrew


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